
Paraska Olga, Radek Norbert, Bonek Miroslaw ECOLOGICAL INNOVATION// WYŻSZA SZKOŁA UMIEJĘTNOŚCI ZAWODOWYCH w Pińczowie: Poland 2015. – P. 312.

Karvan S. A., Ganzuk A.Y. The role of natural sorbents in water treatment process // Abstracts of 13th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment: ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 11-15 September 2011. – P. 250.

 Ganzyuk A.Y., Karvan S.A., Sokol G.M. Research of kinetics of dye adsorption by natural mineral saponite // Abstracts: III International Scientific Conference “Modern problems of biology, ecology and chemistry”, Zaporizzya, Ukraine, 11-13 May 2012. – P. 491 – 492.

 Sokol G.M., Ganzyuk A.Y. Optimization of detergent composition on the basis of natural mineral – saponite // Abstracts: The XLV Session of the Students Scientific Circles, Cracow, Poland, 10 May, 2012. – P. 63 – 64.

 Sokol G.M., Karvan S.A., Liubchyk V.R., Ganzyuk A.Y. Nanoparticles and environment – control and method of determination // Abstracts: the Humboldt Kolleg “Men And Environment” organized by Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum in cooperation with Jagiellonian University , Cracow, Poland, 11-14 October, 2012. – P. 70.

 Sokol G.M., Ganzyuk A.Y. Waste water treatment by natural mineral saponite in textile industry // Abstracts: International Conference “Advanced technologies in textile industry”, Khmelnitsky, Ukraine, 15 -17 October, 2012. – P. 212 – 214.

 Sokol G.M., Ganzyuk A.Y. The new modified sorbent for wastewater treatment // Abstracts: The XLVI Session of the Students Scientific Circles, Cracow, Poland, 9-10 May, 2013. – P. -54 – 55.

 Sokol G.M., Ganzyuk A.Y., Kamenskyh D.S. Saponite is an environmentally friendly universal sorbent // Abstracts: Ninth International Scientific Congress “A secure world understanding-trust-responsibility”, Poznan, Poland, 4-7 July, 2013.

 Sokol G.M., Ganzyuk A.Y. Universal sorbent on the basis of natural mineral saponite // Abstracts: V UkrainianPolish scientific dialogues, Jaremche, Ukraine, 16-19 October, 2013. – P. 118 – 120.

 Sokol G.M., Karvan S.A , Ganzyuk A.Y. Research of the adsorptivity of sorbents on the basis of natural mineral saponite // Abstracts: International Conference “Modern Problems of Surface Chemistry” Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 20-21 May, 2014. – P. 179.

 Pidluzhna A., Bishchaniuk T., Grygorchak I., Sokol G. Lithium electrochemical intercalation in Saponite // Abstracts: 10th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Lasi, Romania, 22-28 September, 2014. – P. 39 – 40.

 Paraska O., Karvan S., Sokol G., Rak T. Saponites as the New Raw Materials for the Production of Biomaterials // Monograf. ed. by Lucyna Leniowska, Mieczyslaw Korzynski, Janusz Cwanek: XII International Conference “Mechanics in medicine” Rzeszow, Poland, 2014. – P. 190 – 197.

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 Патент на корисну модель № 79412, МПК (2006.01) C11D 3 / 14. Паста для очищення забруднених поверхонь на основі природних мінеральних сорбентів/ С.А. Карван, А.Я. Ганзюк, О.І. Кулаков, Г.М. Сокол, заявник і власник Хмельницький національний університет. № u2012 10742; Заявл. 13.09.2012; Опубл. 25.04.2013. – 4 с.